Looking out of the window

Moments when looking out of my window felt like looking at a painting

I spend a lot of time working from home, where I have my studio and do most of my editing.

As a result, I often find myself watching the sky change throughout the day. Whenever something catches my eye, I instinctively snap a photo—usually just thinking, "Oh, that looks pretty!"

In the summer of 2024, I decided to gather these photos I’d taken over time, and I was amazed by the variety of what I saw.

When you’re in the moment, you don’t always realize how much the sky actually changes from day to day and with each season. It’s only when you step back and look at the bigger picture that you can see just how much it shifts. I think that’s true for many things in life.

"Anything becomes interesting when you look at it long enough."

Gustave Flaubert